Blender, Snap Lens Studio, Adobe XD, ERDAS IMAGINE, Google Maps API, Fologram, Rhinoceros Common, Autodesk Fusion360, Unity, Unreal Engine, Javascript, Python, C#
AR Snapchat Map
Unity, Mapbox, Vuforia, 3D-Modeling
This Unity x Mapbox iOS application allows you to earn your Pinnochio’s Pizza in AR by chasing after hovering AR pizzas to reach your goal. After ordering, a path is generated that is equivalent to the number of calories needed to burn off your order. This project received an award from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) celebrating its fun and playful interface.
Vegetation Fractals with Lindenmayer Systems (L-Systems) in AR
Blender, Snap Lens Studio, P5 JavaScript
This project served to 'bring ivy to the Ivy League' by creating a L-System growth pattern along 3D-space. The logic pattern for the animation was derived from the P5 JavaScript library, scripted to fit a Blender node animation format, and then imported into an AR format into Snap Lens Studio for procedural generation across surfaces.
Snapchat Satellite Imagery Lens
Blender, ArcGIS, ERDAS IMAGINE, Snap Lens Studio
Developed in service of my internship at Snapchat Maps on Snap's Maps Backend Engineering (where I was ultimately offered and took on a full-time role), this project used satellite imagery to generate an AR satellite terrain centered on Snap's Santa Monica HQ.
AR Hover Navigation:
Computational Geometry and Parametric Design with C#
link to full project
Mapbox, Rhino, Google Maps API, Fologram
This project aimed to record one's motion in traversing a path across 3D-AR space to aid the traveler along their route and provide a multidimensional view of the journey.The shape of the traveler's movement is tracked in AR and displayed via a Fologram Rhino interface. In providing an augmented reality format to display motion one can avoid losing their way and appreciate a path in a novel shape and perspective.
CosmetiCS: (AR) Beauty - Harvard iLabs Hackathon Submission & Finalist
Blender, Snap Lens Studio, P5JS
Never get stuck with a color that's not your cup of tea again! Through this AR Snapchat lens, developed in service of the Harvard Business School iLabs Hackathon, a nail polish color of your choosing uses image segmentation an computer vision to track your nail structures and allow for quick insight into how the polish color will look appear IRL.
Harvard vs. Yale in the Metaverse:
An AR Intercollegiate Prank
Blender, Snap Lens Studio, JavaScript
This project served as an elaborate prank in which Yale students scanned a code hung up on posters across Yale (by yours truly) which purported to provide an AR view of Yale beatng Harvard before the game. Instead, users unlocked a lens in which an animated Harvard 'H' ate 'Y' to demonstrate Harvard's impending victory. Full information on the prank and lens itself can be found at BeatHarvardAR.com.